
1776 (1972)
1776 is a musical celebration of the founding of the United States of America based on the award-winning Broadway production! The story centers around the tough and unyielding John Adams (William...

A Star Is Born (2018)
“A Star is Born” stars four-time Oscar nominee Bradley Cooper (“American Sniper,” “American Hustle,” “Silver Linings Playbook”) and multiple award-winning, Oscar-nominated music superstar Lady Gaga...

Cats (2019)
Universal Pictures and Working Title's Cats is a most-unexpected film adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber's beloved smash musical "Cats" and the poems from "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats," by T.S....

Chicago (2003)
At a time when crimes of passion result in celebrity headlines, nightclub sensation Velma Kelly (ZetaJones) and spotlight-seeking Roxie Hart (Zellweger) both find themselves sharing space on Chicago's...

Cinderella (2021)
Cinderella is a musically driven bold new take on the traditional story you grew up with. Our heroine (Camila Cabello) is an ambitious young woman, whose dreams are bigger than the world will allow...

Dear Evan Hansen (2021)
The breathtaking, generation-defining Broadway phenomenon becomes a soaring cinematic event as Tony, Grammy and Emmy Award winner Ben Platt reprises his role as an anxious, isolated high schooler...

Earth Girls Are Easy (1989)
In this musical comedy, Valerie (Geena Davis) is dealing with her philandering fiancé, Ted (Charles Rocket), when she finds that a trio of aliens (Jeff Goldblum, Jim Carrey, Damon Wayans) have crashed...

Everybody's Talking About Jamie (2021)
Inspired by true events, Everybody’s Talking About Jamie is the film adaptation of the award-winning hit musical from London’s West End, about Jamie New (newcomer Max Harwood), a teenager in a...

Grease (1978)
John Travolta solidified his position as the most versatile and magnetic screen presence of the decade in this film version of the smash hit play Grease. Recording star Olivia Newton–John made her...

The Greatest Showman (2017)
THE GREATEST SHOWMAN is an original musical inspired by the life of P.T. Barnum, starring Hugh Jackman. Barnum was a visionary who rose from nothing to create the “Greatest Show on Earth,” a spectacle...

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