Search Results For Lucas

Bad Moms (2016)
In this new comedy from the writers of The Hangover, Amy has a seemingly perfect life - a great marriage, over-achieving kids, beautiful home and a career. However, she's over-worked...

Ben is Back (2018)
19 year-old Ben Burns (Lucas Hedges) unexpectedly returns home to his family's suburban home on Christmas Eve morning. Ben's mother, Holly (Julia Roberts), is relieved and welcoming but wary...

The Book Of Boba Fett (2021)
“The Book of Boba Fett,” a thrilling Star Wars adventure teased in a surprise end-credit sequence following the Season 2 finale of “The Mandalorian,” finds legendary bounty hunter Boba Fett and...

Boy Erased (2018)
“Boy Erased” tells the story of Jared (Hedges), the son of a Baptist pastor in a small American town, who is outed to his parents (Kidman and Crowe) at age 19. Jared is faced with an...

Breakthrough (2019)
When Joyce Smith’s son John falls through an icy lake, all hope seems lost. But as John lies lifeless, Joyce refuses to give up, and her steadfast belief inspires those around her to pray for...

Covenant (2006)
Four young men who belong to a supernatural legacy are charged with stopping the evil force they released into the world years earlier. Another great force they must contend with is the jealousy and...

Cult (2013)
Investigative journalist Jeff Sefton has learned to laugh off his brother Nate's relentless string of obsessions, especially his latest rant that a hit TV show intends to harm him. However, when...

Daybreakers (2010)
In the year 2019, a plague has transformed most every human into vampires. Faced with a dwindling blood supply, the fractured dominant race plots their survival; meanwhile, a researcher works with a...

The Disappointments Room (2016)
In this psychological thriller from the director of Eagle Eye and Disturbia, Dana (Kate Beckinsale) and David (Mel Raido) move from Brooklyn to a once-grand southern mansion with their 5 year old son...

Drag Me To Hell (2009)
"Drag Me to Hell" tells the story of Christine Brown (Alison Lohman), an ambitious L.A. loan officer with a charming boyfriend, Professor Clay Dalton (Justin Long). Life is good until the mysterious...

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The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter
The Happening
The Happening
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99
Broken Vows
Broken Vows
WAS: $12.99
NOW: $7.99