Search Results For chris

Batman: Hush (2019)
Batman: Hush is a captivating story that features many of DC's most iconic characters. The plot revolves around a mysterious villain named Hush who has a dangerous game in play, causing threads from...

Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One (2021)
Inspired by the iconic mid-1990s DC story from Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale, Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One begins as a brutal murder on Halloween prompts Gotham’s young vigilante, the Batman, to form...

Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two (2021)
Inspired by the iconic mid-1990s DC story from Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale, Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two continues as the Holiday Killer is still at large and, with Bruce Wayne under the spell of...

Battle: Los Angeles (2011)
"Battle: Los Angeles" revolves around a Marine staff sergeant (Eckhart) and his new platoon's battle against an alien invasion on the streets of Los Angeles. Rodriguez will play Crpl....

Be Cool (2005)
Be Cool is the wildly hilarious tale about a gangster turned music mogul and what it takes to be number one with a bullet. When Chili Palmer (Travolta) decides to try his hand in the music industry...

Big Driver (2014)
In "Big Driver," Tess Thorne (Bello), a famous and revered mystery and thriller writer, faces a long drive home following a book-signing engagement. But while driving on a lonely stretch of...

Big Hero 6 (2014)
From Walt Disney Animation Studios comes “Big Hero 6,” an action comedy adventure about brilliant robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada, who finds himself in the grips of a criminal plot that threatens to...

The Big Hit (1998)
The criminal anarchy is hilarious when a foursome of full-time hit men looking to score extra cash kidnap the boss's goddaughter. And when beleaguered wise guy Mel is set up to take the fall...

The Big Short (2015)
When four outsiders saw what the big banks, media and government refused to, the global collapse of the economy, they had an idea: The Big Short. Their bold investment leads them into the dark...

Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020)
The stakes are higher than ever for the time-traveling exploits of William "Bill" S. Preston Esq. and Theodore "Ted" Logan. Yet to fulfill their rock and roll destiny, the now middle aged best...

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Terminator Salvation
Terminator Salvation
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